Privacy policy

The "Do you recognise the scene on this tapestry?" website is committed to respect your online privacy and recognisess your need for appropriate protection of any personally identifiable information you share by visiting this website. This online privacy policy explains the care with which the Myanmar (Burma) - Photo Gallery intend to treat your personal information.

The "Do you recognise the scene on this tapestry?" website uses your email address only to respond directly to your questions or comments. Your email address will never be used to send unsolicited email. The Myanmar (Burma) - Photo Gallery does not sell or share private information, such as your name, email address or the content of your email with third parties.

The StatCounter web page hit counter is used for website statistics and traffic analysis and records information such as referrer links, internet domain and host names, internet access provider geographical location, internet protocol addresses, browser software, operating system types, screen resolutions and dates and times that pages on this website are accessed.
This collected information alone does not identify an individual. Through this aggregated statistical information, the "Do you recognise the scene on this tapestry?" website is able to observe trends, to gain insights and a greater understanding of how visitors use this website and thus allows to improve this website and your web experience.
See for more information about the privacy policy of the StatCounter Privacy Policy.

Checked and approved
This website (actually the whole domain "") is checked and approved by Norton Safe Web to keep you safe from spyware, spam, viruses and online scams.

Changes to this privacy policy
The "Do you recognise the scene on this tapestry?" website reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time without notice. Changes to this privacy policy become effective on the date they are published.

If you have any question or concern about this privacy policy, please feel free to contact the "Do you recognise the scene on this tapestry?" website at any time by email:

This text was last modified on 26 July 2024


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